Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Year's Poetic Pontification

A New Year's Poetic Pontification

The next year is here, and let me be clear
Not sure if I'll cheer or cry tear after tear
Who knows the way the wind blows year after year.
The mystery of His direction; my undying hope...a sure resurrection.
'Cause I own seas of imperfection; you feelin' this gospel insurrection?
You might find, as the clock unwinds
That morally you eatin' slop with the swines
If you do, there's only one thing for you,
turn to the One who is Faithful and True
If you don't, this "swine flu" will eventually getchu'
Through this God-man Jesus Christ, who paid an infinite, glorious, ransom price
He doesn't need your help; He took all the whelps
Conquering sin's waters better than Michael Phelps
So seek to be the Biggest Loser;
Lose your life for Christ or He'll be your Eternal Bruiser.
So steppin' right in to 2010, don't know what it holds
But He holds the end..the keys...the friends.
So whether you take this in stride, or slip
Or think, "Man, my boy Chris is just not hip."
Just know this rhyme is for our edification
And for the glory of the King who rules every nation.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Master Weaver

Asking three times to take away his physical "thorn", the apostle Paul points us to the purpose of God in his misery--to keep him from becoming conceited. God is so jealous to have our hearts moist and humbled that in love He strategically orchestrates a wide range of "inconveniences" into our lives. Puritan John Flavel offers a wise word..."I see my God will not lose my heart, if a rod can prevent it. He would rather hear me groan here than howl hereafter...He consults my good rather than my ease." And loved ones of Christ, our good and God's glory is that we humble ourselves under His mighty hand, whatever He weaves into our lives. Easier said than done, but with such a Lord for us and in us, all things are possible.
--John Flavel, The Mystery of Providence (Banner of Truth, 1963), 131.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kiln-Dried Mud

"Consider again the nature of a clay pot. It is simply baked clay. Dirt baked hard. God knows that is what we all are--though we have a tendency to forget. 'He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust' (Psalm 103:14). He said to Adam, 'Dust you are, and to dust you shall return' (Gen. 3:19)."

--John MacArthur, The Book on Leadership (Nelson Books, 2004), 112.